I Cried - Pakistan

I Cried

Dr. Randall McElwain


I cried. I don’t often cry. But last Sunday night, I cried as we drove through the streets of Kasur City, Pakistan.

Raja Samuel, Steve Oliver, and I had just visited an SGC center where 17 students study SGC courses. As we drove through the packed streets, a family on a motorcycle caught my eye. I had seen dozens of these motorcycles that day, but this family’s two cute little children caught my attention.

Just two happy children riding through the streets with mom and dad. But suddenly, it hit me that in a predominantly Muslim country, these children probably did not know Jesus, might never hear about Jesus, and faced an eternity without God.

I began to cry. Such cute children – living without knowing the love of Jesus. But how could I help them? I don’t speak the language. If I did learn Urdu, the Islamic Republic would not give me a visa to come as a missionary. I felt helpless to do anything for two little children who had grabbed my heart.

Pakistan, 2024

Sunday night, I prayed, “Lord, there are 17 SGC students in this town who are being trained to evangelize the people of their country. Would you send one of those students to the home of these children? Would you use one of those students to share the gospel with these precious souls I can never reach?”

In this life, I will never know if my prayer is answered. But I invite you to join me in praying for SGC students who live in countries where Westerners can rarely preach. These students can touch lives that you and I can never reach. Please join me in praying that God will use our SGC students in a powerful way around the world.

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