Translator Application

    Contact Information


    General Work Experience

    In this section, please list the types of jobs/work you have had, regardless of whether they are related to translation work.


    Please name/describe the training and/or certification you have received that is relevant to written translation work.


    What skills do you have that are relevant to translation, editing translations, and translation project management?


    What characteristics of your personality are relevant to the work of translation, editing translations, and translation project management?

    Translation Philosophy

    What is your translation philosophy?


    Name all languages for which you believe yourself to be qualified for written translation work.


    If commissioned by SGC for a translation project, do you believe you will be able to dedicate the time necessary to complete translation and editing of a ~155 page or ~50,900 word document within two months?

    Pay Rate

    SGC pays translators based on the English word count in the source file(s). (Translators are paid on completion of each project.)

    Name the price you would like to receive if SGC commissions you as a translator. (This pay includes both the work of translation, and the services of an editor whom you would be responsible to find/hire.)

    (Receiving your desired pay rate is not guaranteed. Pay rate would be discussed and agreed upon prior to commission for your first project.)

    Spiritual Questions

    The SGC courses are theological training materials. It is important for commissioned translators to be capable of accurately translating theological concepts into the target language.

    Theological Concepts

    Do you believe yourself to be proficient in writing about theological concepts in the target language?

    Salvation Testimony

    Please provide your personal testimony of salvation.


    Pastor’s Reference

    Please provide a written recommendation from your pastor in which he/she describes your reputation as a follower of Christ and your involvement in the local body of Christ and any other ministries.

    Pastor's recommendation

    Translation Experience/References

    In the fields below, tell us about written translation projects you have previously done for hire.


    This customer was (select one):

    Name of business/organization (if applicable):

    Name of contact person:

    Source language of project:

    Target language of project:

    Year project was completed:

    Describe the written work(s) you translated for this customer (up to 5 items). Please give the title of the work, and note the type of material (for instance: an article, a book, an online resource, etc.)

    If your customer is willing to be contacted by SGC, please provide contact information in the field below.

    Thank You!

    What’s Next?

    If SGC is interested in your translation services, an SGC Project Manager will contact you. Prospective translators are provided with SGC’s General Translation Guidelines and a course excerpt. After having thoroughly read the General Translation Guidelines, prospective translators translate the excerpt into the target language. The SGC Project Manager evaluates the sample translation and then follows up with the prospective translator.