Dear praying friends,
I want to share the goals we’ve prayerfully set for 2025.
2025 Goals
The work before us is both daunting and exciting! Our Board of Directors has prayerfully approved these 2025 strategic goals. By God’s grace and provision, we will:
- Publish 100 new courses this year in Bengali, Hindi, Portuguese, Kiswahili, Thai, and many other languages, adding to the 268 courses currently available in 34 languages. = $2,853.00 per course*
- Equip and train pastor-trainers in Uganda, Nigeria, Guatemala, Albania, India, Peru, Pakistan, and Egypt in 2025. Hundreds of Christian leaders will be equipped to launch sustainable classrooms in very rural settings. = $8,250 per event
- Produce 24 additional audio courses in 2025, especially for blind, visually impaired, and illiterate learners. Nearly a billion people alive today fit into one of these marginalized groups. = $1,500 per course
- Complete the translation of the SGC webpage into Spanish, Russian, French, Portuguese, Tagalog, and Mandarin. = $800 per language
By the grace of God, SGC has gotten off to a strong start. Through surveys, we’ve learned that among our US-based partner ministries alone, 5,595 pastors and lay leaders from 57 countries are currently being trained through SGC curriculum tools! One Ugandan pastor working with Africa85 told us recently that over the last 3 years, he’s led 110 pastors and lay leaders through all 20 SGC courses with encouraging results. We’re excited about doors that seem to be opening to us in so many places, even within the Arabic-speaking world. More about this in the days ahead.
Someone said, “The reward for climbing a mountain is a higher mountain to climb,” which is what 2025 is shaping up to be. Can we trust the Lord for even more? We believe so.
As we waited prayerfully before the Lord in early January, the story of Jesus walking on the sea and his invitation to Peter to “come”—to join him there, spoke deeply to my heart.
In Matthew chapter 14, we find the disciples drenched, exhausted, and fearful. All night, they’ve been rowing against the wind and bailing water. And then Jesus appears… “walking on the sea.”
The impulse of the Spirit within us is to be where Jesus is and to do what he’s doing, so Peter boldly calls out, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
Jesus spoke one word— “Come.” Just one simple word. But this one little word carried the authority of the eternal God. It was as powerful as those words on day one of Creation, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3).
⁃ A word was more powerful than the sea.
⁃ A word which could not fail.
⁃ An invitation to trust.
Peter didn’t question Jesus’s word. He simply stepped out of the boat and began to walk. And so will we. We believe that Jesus has invited us to serve his servants in every country in time, and we believe his invitation promises strength and provision.
For Jesus’s sake, will you walk with us on the sea this year? We do need you to help us climb this mountain. We believe renewed pastors are the key to the spiritual renewal of the global church and that our obedience, together, will help bring about this renewal.
Sincerely yours, for underserved pastors,
Tim Keep
*The actual cost to translate, proofread, print-ready (including layout), and upload 100 courses to the SGC webpage and app averages another $2,000 per course.