What Jesus Followers Do With Power

The disciples understood who he was— “the Messiah, the son of the living God.” The Father had revealed this to them. He deserved respect. He deserved honor. He deserved hospitality. As his apostles, they felt they deserved these things, too.

Fat with Want

When we think of our suffering as increasing our joy in God and our eternal happiness, it puts our present pain in the proper perspective.

Disciple - Following Jesus

What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?

Jesus is quite confident in the power of the Holy Spirit to make you like him. When he extends an invitation to discipleship, he’s not inviting you to a once-a-week church service or occasional volunteering. He is expressing his confidence in the power of grace to make you 100% like him.

Call People To Repentance

Call People To Repentance

When repentance becomes specific, spiritual expectation rises too (Luke 3:15). Repentance is not the goal; Jesus is! Repentance makes the heart ready for the coming of Jesus (Luke 3:16-17). 

Every Step Recorded

Every Footstep Recorded

As I look back over the miles of my life, I can see that I have grown. My pace has quickened. My steps are straighter. I’m stumbling less. It’s not easy for Satan to seduce me from the path now. Grace has taught me—is teaching me—to walk.