Spiritual Formation

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Course Description

In this course students learn to have the attitudes of Jesus, to relate to God the way Jesus related to his Father, to humble ourselves as Jesus did, to practice the spiritual and personal disciplines of Jesus, to endure suffering as Jesus did, and to engage in the Christian community (the Church) formed by Jesus.

Course Objectives

Objectives are given at the beginning of each lesson.

Lesson Titles

Formed into the Image of Christ
The Journey of Spiritual Formation: How the Image of Christ is Formed in Us
The Forming Power of Biblical Assurance
Spiritual Formation through Knowing God
Spiritual Formation through “Self” Awareness (Part 1)
Spiritual Formation through “Self” Awareness (Part 2)
The Image of Christ through Spiritual Training
The Spiritual Disciplines of Devotion: Solitude, Meditation, Fasting, Simplicity
The Spiritual Disciplines of Devotion: Private Prayer
The Spiritual Disciplines of Action: Confession, Submission, Service
Personal Discipline: The Tongue and the Thought Life
Personal Discipline: Appetite, Time, Temperament, Personal Convictions
Formed through Suffering
Formed by Christian Community

Daily Prayer Guide

Daily Prayer Guide is a resource for students of the Spiritual Formation course to use in their own private times of prayer. It teaches students how to pray scripture and learn communion and fellowship with God in prayer.